Providing a healthier and fresher living environment for the whole family.
SleepClean not only specialises in professional, chemical-free mattress, sofa, upholstery and carpet cleaning, but we also provide a range of natural, enzyme and plant-based cleaning products. All of our cleaning services and products focus on improving the health and quality of your home by providing effective, chemical-free cleaning solutions. It is our mission to restore the health of your home so that you and your family can sleep clean and healthy.
Our certified cleaning and sanitising professionals are dedicated to chemical-free cleaning to ensure your family's safety. The premium cleaning services offered by SleepClean can also decrease the common problems found on mattresses, upholstery, and carpet leaving them clean, healthy and refreshed.
Combine Services and SAVE $50 for each
Combine your services and we will take $50 OFF every additional service added after the first one.
Why Choose Sleep Clean
The certified cleaning and sanitising professionals at SleepClean take pride in completing jobs with excellent results by providing a safe and professional service for you and your family.
We clean, disinfect and sanitise mattresses, bed frames, dog beds and cots
We use all organic cleaning products with no nasty chemicals
We use a HEPA filter to remove allergens from the air
We are fully certified and insured
We clean and sanitise carpets, sofas and floors
Our Healthy Mattress
Restoration Steps
Our Technician will conduct an overall health check by inspecting and assessing your mattress.
Using a HEPA filtration system we will extract allergy causing dust, allergens, dead skin cells, bed bugs and dust mites from your mattress.
Deep Clean
We remove unhealthy contaminates and deep clean your mattress using our chemical free, dry steam cleaning vapour system.
Disinfect and Sanitise
We finalise your mattress clean by disinfecting and sanitising your mattress.
“I was very impressed with the professionalism and knowledge of the SleepClean team. It’s refreshing to experience such excellent cleaning service, even my dogs were excited!”
Michelle R. | Sydney
Client Types
SleepClean's mission is to create a good, healthy environment for everyone



Allergy Sufferers

Pet Owners

Health and Aged Care
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For all of your cleaning and sanitising needs..
Contact us today to learn more about our service.
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